Our Office will be closed Monday, October 14th in observance of Columbus/Indigenous Peoples' Day.

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Celebrate Easter 2024!
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Around the Township
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Pennsylvania American Water is undertaking a project to identify what material each customer’s water service line is made of in an effort to remove lead water lines – but we need your help by completing a quick survey online at tinyurl.com/pawcsurvey or calling 877-201-7926.
For more information about this important project,
CLICK HERE or below.
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In The Spotlight
Nestled in the Lebanon Valley, just south of Route 422, South Annville Township is home to approximately 3,500 residents. Scenic farmland, rolling hills, and woodland areas, spanning 19.6 square miles, are a testament to the area's natural beauty and rich agricultural history.
The Annville Free Library
In The Spotlight
The Annville Free Library
Nestled in the Lebanon Valley, just south of Route 422, South Annville Township is home to approximately 3,500 residents. Scenic farmland, rolling hills, and woodland areas, spanning 19.6 square miles, are a testament to the area's natural beauty and rich agricultural history.

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